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Milkman, K. L., Patel, M., Gandhi, L., Graci, H., Gromet, D., Ho, H., Kay J. S., Lee T., Park Y., Akinola, M., Beshears, J., Bogard, J. E., Buttenheim, A., Chabris, C., Chapman, G., Choi, J. J., Dai, H., Fox, C. R., Goren, A., Hilchey, M., Hmurovic, J., John, L., Karlan, D., Kim, M., Laibson, D., Lamberton, C., Madrian, B., Meyer, M., Modanu, M., Nam, J., Rogers, T., Rondina, R., Saccardo, S., Shermohammed, M., Soman, M., Sparks, J., Warren, C., Weber, M., Berman, R., Van den Bulte, C., Volpp, K., Duckworth, A. L. (2021). A Mega-Study of Text-Based Nudges Encouraging Patients to Get Vaccinated at an Upcoming Doctor’s Appointment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, e2101165118[pdf]

Sparks, J., Chapman, G. B., D’Aunno, T., Doctor, J. N., Loewenstein, G. & Patel, M. S. (2020). Editors' Note: Behavioral Insights for COVID-19. Behavioral Science and Policy, 6, 5-8. [pdf]

Sparks, J., Daly, C., Wilkey, B., Molden, D. C., Finkel, E. J., & Eastwick, P. W. (2020). Negligible evidence that people desire partners who uniquely fit their ideals. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 90, 103968. [pdf] [supplemental materials]

Sparks, J. (2020). Going beyond a positive-negative dichotomy in judgment and decision making research: Insights for framing, counterfactual thinking, and ambivalence. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 14, e12519. [pdf]

Sparks, J., & Ledgerwood, A. (2019). Age attenuates the negativity bias in reframing effects. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 45, 1042–1056. [pdf]

Boydstun, A., Ledgerwood, A., & Sparks, J. (2019). A negativity bias in reframing shapes political preferences even in partisan contexts. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 10, 53-61. [pdf]

Sparks, J., & Ledgerwood, A. (2017). When good is stickier than bad: Understanding gain/loss asymmetries in sequential framing effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 146, 1086–1105. [pdf]

Wang, Y. A., Sparks, J., Gonzales, J., Hess, Y., & Ledgerwood, A. (2017). Using independent covariates in experimental designs: Quantifying the trade-off between power boost and Type I error inflation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 72, 118-124. [pdf]

Ledgerwood, A., Soderberg, C., & Sparks, J. (2017). Designing a study to maximize informational value. In J. Plucker & M. Makel (Eds.), Toward a more perfect psychology: Improving trust, accuracy, and transparency in research (pp. 33-58). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. [pdf]

Manuscripts In Revision & Under Review

* Graduate student collaborator

Eastwick, P. W., Sparks, J. & Finkel, E. J., et al. (under review at Journal of Personality and Social Psychology). A Worldwide Test of the Predictive Validity of Ideal Partner Preference-Matching

Sparks, J., Cloonan, S. C.,* & Huberty, J. L. (invited revision at Frontiers in Psychology - Organizational Psychology). Bringing Calm to Work: Self-Reported Mental Health and Productivity Outcomes in Employees who use an Employer-Provided Mindfulness App

Sparks, J., Cloonan, S. C.,* & Huberty, J. L. (under review). Associations between children's mindfulness practice and parent stress, anxiety, sleep, and communication: Cross-sectional survey

Benedict, T.,* Sparks, J. & Gast, A. (under review). Conditioned negative attitudes are “stickier” than conditioned positive attitudes: A negativity bias in evaluative counter-conditioning.

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